European Mushing Championship 2022

Ilustrační obrázek
In the week from 9.11. until 13.11. the European Mushing Championship 2022 took place and our ambassadors couldn't miss it.

Congratulations to all participants and best wishes for the next race.



1st place DR4 Andrej Drabik 

1st place DBM Cyprian Świderski 

1st place DBMM50 Dominik Crettenand 

2nd place DCMJ Jonathan Ingram 

2nd place DS1M Andrej Drabik 

2nd place DCW Lucia Pelikánová 

3rd place DS1MM50 Dominik Crettenand 

12th place DBMM50 Marc Vandueren

14th place DBW Zuzana Jílková

8th place DCW Olga Álvarez Rubio

30th place DCW Kirsten Schoonbaert 

11th place DCWM40 Jarmila Halířová Sobecká

8th place DCWM50 Elaine Sherwin

7th place DSC2 Andrej Drabik

16th place DSC2 Stijn Gyselinck

27th place DSC2 Zuzanna Pająk

30th place DSC2 Dominik Crettenand

12th place DR8 Łukasz Paczyński

15th place DR8 Tomasz Pająk

5th place DR6 Jiří Mencák

21st place DR6 Andreas Wiegand

25th place DR6 Martyna Paczyńska

4th place DR4 Jiří Mencák

6th place DS1M Stijn

5th place DS1MM50 Alain Hercher